
Trend Inspiration | Scrabble Letters

When it comes to creative wedding ideas, Scrabble letters seem to be all the rage! We love this photo spelling out ‘love’ using the wedding ring and Scrabble letters, photographed by Ultimate Images. Check out their website, www.uiphoto.com, for more great shots like this. Here are some more ideas for how to incorporate scrabble letters into your wedding!

{1} Guest Book: Use a Scrabble board and letters as a guest book! Let your guests get creative and have fun.

{2} Cake Topper: Simple but still looks put together, a cake topper that resembles a sign is perfect for a vintage chic wedding. 

{3} Table Numbers: Make your own oversized Scrabble letters for table signs that are large enough to see from far away. 

{4} Centerpieces: Using fake flowers? Fill the bottom of your vases with letters for a fun touch. Guests can even use these at their table for games, keeping with the theme! 

{5} Favors: Instead of food favors, give out magnet word scrambles using Scrabble letters. Your guests can actually use these at home for their refrigerator.